Sir, - On the issue of gender quotas for election candidates, might I make the following points?

If quotas on the basis of gender for the selection of candidates, asrecommended by the National Women's Council, are to have any merit (andI have no problem with this), then surely it makes eminent sense toconsider quotas which would take account of the disabled also? As Iunderstand it, State and semi-State organisations are committed to apercentage-based quota to be reserved for the employment of thedisabled.

As someone who has worked with and beside some of these people, Ihave found them at all times equal to the tasks of their particularjobs.

However, when it comes to our national parliament (and this toinclude our Seanad), these people have no such entitlement. This is avery strange situation.


This suggestion is not made in any irresponsible or vexatious way;quite the contrary. Neither do I know of any constitutional bar toeffecting it. Indeed, when one considers some of the debates (anddecisions made consequently) by our legislators in both Houses on anynumber of issues, the inclusion of the voice(s) of the disabled wouldundoubtedly add to the wisdom of decisions made.

Could we please introduce this as a matter of urgency? Disabledpeople have an enormous contribution to make to society at large. -Yours, etc.,


Coolamber Park,


Dublin 16.