Ragwort menace

Sir, – Dublin has seen its fair share of colour so far this year, what with Bloom in the Phoenix Park earlier in the year, followed soon after by Bloomsday. More recently, the city saw the Gay Pride festival, which by all accounts was a very colourful occasion indeed.

The rest of the country, however, should not feel left out, as the annual “Ragwort Flower and Seed” festival is once again in full swing, with highways and byways all over the country now a blaze of colour, courtesy of this outlawed noxious weed. There are especially colourful displays at the N7 and N81 junctions with the M50, and all along the N7 for many miles out of town.

I would remind local authorities that it is an offence in law to allow this noxious and poisonous weed to flower and seed. – Yours, etc,



Rathmines, Dublin 6.