Rail passenger numbers

Sir, – Kealan Flynn ( November 4th) draws an inconsistent and misleading comparison between passenger numbers on the Dublin/Belfast line and the Limerick/Galway line.

First, the figures are based on a one-day unscientific snapshot census, rather than a comprehensive assessment of total annual passenger numbers. Second, the Galway/Limerick passenger numbers quoted in fact include commuter totals for Limerick/Ennis and Athenry/Galway, while the Dublin/Belfast passenger numbers quoted exclude the millions of annual commuters between Co Louth and Dublin on that line.

Therefore, comparing like with like, Dublin/Belfast had 1.1 million cross-Border passenger journeys in 2015, with 5.8 million journeys, including the northern commuter line (but excluding northside DART services). Limerick/Galway had 102,000 journeys utilising the new section of line, with 279,000 journeys when the commuter sections are included.

Ultimately it will be the sustainability of funding – through a combination of fares, public service obligation (PSO) payments and infrastructure funding – that will decide the future scale of our network and level of services, and we look forward to the forthcoming publication of the rail review document and associated public consultation, which will prompt debate and inform the strategic choices for the future of our rail network. – Yours, etc,




Communications Manager,

Iarnród Éireann,

Connolly Station, Dublin 1.