Sir, - Garret FitzGerald (Opinion, February 2nd) has let the cat out of the bag regarding the Nice Treaty. The choice facing the Irish people is "ratify, or else"!
Or else what? In Garret's view the other 14 would find some way of going ahead without us. So much for the value of the Irish veto!
Government Ministers put it differently, of course; they must preserve the conceit that we have a real veto. Their line is that our rejection would would be a selfish act which would prevent enlargement.
I believe Garret is right. I will vote No because I think we have already moved too far from the economic community which we originally joined, and in protest against an arrogant Government which is bent on overturning the verdict of the people, and none too scrupulous about the method used. - Yours, etc.,
JOHN O'CALLAGHAN, Lakelands Avenue, Stillorgan, Co Dublin.