Reaction to IRA arms disposal

Madam, - Now that the guns have been decommissioned we face the much more difficult task of decommissioning our nationalist mindset…

Madam, - Now that the guns have been decommissioned we face the much more difficult task of decommissioning our nationalist mindset.

For some reason we cannot come to terms with the simple fact of life that the tribal demographics on this island changed irrevocably almost 400 years ago with the plantation of Ulster. The newcomers never assimilated with us natives and since then this island has been shared by two distinct and separate tribes.

We steadfastly refuse to accept this reality and persist with the irrational nonsense that because Ireland is one island it therefore should be one "nation" or one political unit. Tragically, our dream of a "united Ireland" is the unionists' worst nightmare and with the rising star of militant nationalism in recent years this nightmare seems ever closer to the average unionist.

Recent loyalist violence stems from fear, basic primeval fear of being taken over by us, the hated enemy, fear of being dumped by their only and reluctant ally, fear of their very disappearance as a people. They are like trapped animals, friendless, isolated and surrounded by enemies. So they lash out at anything and everything in a desperate cry for help.


Ironically, it's only us nationalists who can help. Only we can lift the siege. Only we can remove the threat. Any real peace between our two peoples must be based on full equality and mutual respect.

In order to start this process we must first, publicly and formally, renounce the very notion of a "united Ireland". If we don't there can never be peace on this island. - Yours, etc,


Silchester Park,


Co Dublin.