Recyling Paper

Sir, - I really hit a nerve when, on November 30th 1998, I called on the authorities to facilitate paper recycling for Blackrock…

Sir, - I really hit a nerve when, on November 30th 1998, I called on the authorities to facilitate paper recycling for Blackrock residents after the Roches Stores paper bins closed. Many readers contacted me and even DeasunBreathnach was still supportive of my idea of dumping my papers on the steps of County Hall in his Irishmnan's Diary of September 2nd. Now Nicholas Harvey (September 17th) calls for the recycling of my dumping plan. The frustration is mounting. Not only have Blackrock readers of The Irish Times lost their paper recycling facility, but since the recent closing of the Iceland paper bins your Dun Laoghaire readers are affected too.

The Iceland facility, at least, must be reopened. In the weeks when the Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Councillors are adopting the Dublin Waste Management Plan, it seems extraordinary that the litter problems being experienced by Iceland around its bins cannot be sorted out by Dun Laoghaire Rathdown officials. I am looking forward to a positive response to my calls on County Hall to enter into a partnership with Iceland management so that its paper recycling facility can reopen. Otherwise I will re-issue my invitation to your readers to join me on the steps of County Hall with their paper bundles in a demonstration of people power. - Yours, etc., Cllr Niamh Bhreathnach, Anglesea Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin.