Referendum on children's rights

Madam, - It is right and proper that children's rights be given the attention they deserve in view of our abysmal record in …

Madam, - It is right and proper that children's rights be given the attention they deserve in view of our abysmal record in that area in the past. Interestingly, in the run-up to the election, the Government has now had a deathbed conversion to the notion of a constitutional provision on child protection.

Less attention, however, is given by the media to the important question of children's duties in the home, school and wider society. Well-meaning rights campaigners are eloquent about many rights of the child but silent on his right to effective training in good citizenship. It must be clear to most people that there is a crying need in today's society to awaken in the young the spirit of civic duty and service; to put emphasis on concern and consideration for others in the community.

People are aware that crime is increasing despite our new-found wealth. In our cities and towns the number of burglaries, assaults and break-ins, especially in the homes of the elderly, is alarming. Many culprits are young - the products of a child-centred educational system - but appear to be deaf to the ideals and values that should have an influence on their moral outlook.

I urge that our youth listen more to the values that are part of our cultural and spiritual tradition and less to the sentimental humbug of popular TV programmes.


Let us hear more about young people's duties to make our country a better and safer place. - Yours, etc,

JOHN F. FALLON, Boyle, Co Roscommon.