Referendum on citizenship

Madam, - In the citizenship referendum we are asked to make a choice on a complex question of law

Madam, - In the citizenship referendum we are asked to make a choice on a complex question of law. Persons unsure as to which legal option to prefer should ask themselves whether, if up for murder, they would prefer their case to be argued by Michael McDowell or Michael D. Higgins.

My only reservation is that some of the more exuberant supporters of the referendum constitute in themselves an argument in favour of widening the national gene pool. - Yours, etc.,

MICHAEL McGRATH, Washington Street, Cork.

Madam, - Ivana Bacik (May 27th) argues that citizenship should be based on the "objective, fair and equal criterion of place of birth", rather than on "happenstance of parenthood". What then of me (South African born), my daughter (born in Scotland) and my son (born in England), all of whom have Irish lineage, strongly consider ourselves to be Irish, and currently hold Irish citizenship? - Yours, etc.


Dr ANDREW LEARY, Ballysaggartbegmore, Lismore, Co Waterford.

Madam, Here's someone Fintan O'Toole may have overlooked in his list (Opinion, May 25th) of personalities who made us what we are: Kevin Myers, journalist, historian and darling of Fianna Fáilers, environmentalists, republicans, May Day protesters and assorted exponents of political correctness: born and raised in Leicester. - Yours, etc.,

JAMES GAFFNEY, Bracken Gardens, North Circular Road, Limerick.