Refurbishing Parnell Square

Madam, - Frank McDonald's piece in your Property supplement of March 3rd makes heart-warming reading

Madam, - Frank McDonald's piece in your Property supplement of March 3rd makes heart-warming reading. Parnell Square is indeed as beautiful as any of Dublin's Georgian Squares and deserves its proposed facelift.

I am thrilled to read that included in the plan is the design for a proper space around the Parnell Monument. This bronze of Charles Stewart Parnell was created by the Irishman Augustus Saint-Gaudens, who was born at 35 Charlemont Street on October 17th, 1841. He created this particular piece to pay tribute to his Mother, Mary, née McGuinness, and the place of his birth. He became America's greatest sculptor and is the only sculptor to have a National Historic Site created in his name. It is in Cornish, New Hampshire.

I hope the refurbishment will include some tribute to the sculptor. - Yours etc.,

URSULA HOUGH-GORMLEY, Ormond Road, Rathmines, Dublin 6.