Remembering Liam Cosgrave

Sir, – I share in the general feelings of admiration and gratitude for the contribution of the late Liam Cosgrave to the political life of Ireland. Fintan O'Toole ("How Liam Cosgrave embodied the State", Analysis, October 4th), in an otherwise balanced assessment of his life, refers dismissively to his 1974 vote against the legislation relating to contraception as "bizarre".

I contend that this action on his part was, on the contrary, a very fine and brave example of moral courage. It was entirely in keeping with his principled stand on many other issues.

The inconsistency, in my view, lies with those who, while acknowledging his patriotism, courage and tenacity in political matters, are uncomprehending of his integrity in voting according to his conscience. – Yours, etc,




British Columbia,


Sir, – The late Liam T Cosgrave was certainly an exceptional politician in that he seemed to have opposed every single piece of liberal legislation that came within an ass’s roar of Leinster House. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 7.

Sir, – Stationed in Manor Kilbride, Co Wicklow, from 1962 to 1967, I received a sick-call one day. One of the riders in a hunting party had collapsed with a heart attack. I drove to the location and administered the Last Rites. The man died shortly afterwards.

While awaiting the ambulance, I suggested to the group that we might say the Rosary for the poor man and his bereaved family. Liam Cosgrave immediately took out his rosary beads from his hunting jacket and joined in the rosary. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 5.