Sir, - Roisin McAliskey is six months pregnant and due to give birth in May. She is asthmatic and in poor general health

Sir, - Roisin McAliskey is six months pregnant and due to give birth in May. She is asthmatic and in poor general health. She is being held in custody in Holloway Prison in London, to face extradition proceedings in connection with a bombing in Germany. She has not been convicted of any offence, and may never be.

Ms McAliskey is being treated as a Category A high security prisoner. That means constant surveillance and no contact with the other prisoners, so she cannot use the recreation facilities or even the obstetric facilities at Holloway. Her only exercise was in a rooftop cage, but she can no longer climb the four flights of stairs to reach it.

Because of the security conditions, she will be taken to hospital to have her baby only at the last moment and in custody and will be sent back to prison immediately. It seems likely that her baby will be taken from her before she returns to Holloway. At a time when any woman most needs support and security, this young woman is subjected to a harsh prison regime and anxiety about what will happen to her child.

This treatment is inhumane and is taking its toll of her physical and mental health. Amnesty International has already expressed grave concern about her condition. It is also completely unnecessary. Very substantial sureties have been offered if she is granted, bail. She will agree to any residence and conditions the court imposes and she is not going to abscond in her present condition, or after her baby is born.


This is, or should be, a straightforward question of human rights and women's rights. There would be outrage if someone wanted for a non paramilitary offence was treated like this. It should not be any different because she is wanted - not convicted - in connection with an IRA offence - which she strenuously denies - or because of who her mother is.

The German and British authorities are passing the buck on which of them is responsible for opposing bail. I would ask your readers to write to both of them, asking them to agree to bail being set so that Ms McAliskey can have her baby in humane conditions and then face her extradition proceedings. - Yours, etc.,


Irish Council for Civil Liberties,

Exchequer Street,

Dublin 2.