Routing of M3 in Tara Valley

Madam, - It is truly saddening to see the lack of interest shown by the general public regarding the routing of the M3 motorway…

Madam, - It is truly saddening to see the lack of interest shown by the general public regarding the routing of the M3 motorway effectively on top of one of the world's most historically important sites, the Hill of Tara.

It is especially saddening to see that many of the letters expressing disgust at the current route are not even Irish, they are American, British and Canadian.

These people are amazed and appalled that we can be so destructive to our heritage. Yet the general Irish public does not seem to care.

The Irish public correctly believe that this road is desperately needed to alleviate the chronic traffic problems in the area. They also believe that those opposing the route are trying to get in the way of progress; we are not!


Of the several proposed routes for the M3, the current route was undoubtedly the worst they could have chosen. We are not bearded, sandal- wearing hippies who want Ireland to remain a mystic rural oasis.

We are just normal members of the public who genuinely care for our heritage. Protesters like myself are not against this much-needed artery.We are against its current route.

I find it incredible that as the UK Highways Agency is considering building a tunnel that will take the busy A303 road under Stonehenge, we are doing the exact opposite. Why can't we learn from our neighbour's mistakes? Once this road is built we will lose the Tara Valley as we know it forever. - Yours, etc,

BRIAN PRICE, Rockford Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin.