Ryder Cup TV coverage

Madam, - Once again Minister for Communications Noel Dempsey and this spineless Government have demonstrated their lack of vision…

Madam, - Once again Minister for Communications Noel Dempsey and this spineless Government have demonstrated their lack of vision in not adding the Ryder Cup to the list of designated events available on "free-to-air" television across Ireland.

The ordinary sports fan in this country is getting a raw deal from those in power who should have the backbone and political will to stand up to Sky Television. We have already had the fiasco with the FAI and Ireland soccer matches; now the government has followed suit with the Ryder Cup which will feature several Irish players and is being held in Ireland. This is a sell-out. Shame on the Minister. - Yours, etc,

PAT CUDDY, Ennis, Co Clare.

Madam, - How come, with no prize money at stake, the Ryder Cup is not free to air. Where does all the money go? You would think if there were one event in golf that should be free to air it would be the Ryder Cup.


This decision hardly reflects the Ryder Cup ethos. I think that, unlike our golfers, our Ministers have choked. - Yours, etc,

MARK KELLY, Holywell, Dublin 14.

Madam, - Congratulations to Noel Dempsey for his decision to leave the 2006 Ryder Cup off the list of designated sporting events that are "of major importance to society". - Yours, etc,

MALACHI EASTWOOD, Milford, Co Donegal.