Saving Moore Street

Sir, – Please allow me correct the report on the planned assessment of buildings in and around Moore Street (Home News, March 16th).

Numbers 14-17 were not designated national monuments in 2007. Preservation orders were placed on them given that they were “in the opinion” of then minister Jimmy Deenihan national monuments that were in danger of falling into decay. This is a vital and important distinction – the minister acts to protect not designate. In relation to Moore Street, number 14 is considered worthy of being preserved since it has a direct association with the Rising.

Nothing of particular note happened there in contrast with 10 Moore Street – a point of entry into the terrace and used as a field hospital by Dr Jim Ryan and nurse Elizabeth O’Farrell, where the leaders held their first council of war and spent their last night of freedom. This begs the question: Why has acting Minister for Arts Heather Humphreys ignored calls for 10 Moore Street to be preserved since it is obvious it is a national monument that is threatened with, of all things, demolition?

If “public interest” has any meaning the Minister must act immediately to preserve this building of enormous historical importance. – Yours, etc,





Dublin 6.