Scandals in banking

Madam, - A fantasy much peddled by your journalists (the unacknowledged conscience-keepers of mankind) is that commercial life…

Madam, - A fantasy much peddled by your journalists (the unacknowledged conscience-keepers of mankind) is that commercial life should be lived by the moral and ethical standards that govern an enclosed religious order.

Thus we are subjected to daily diatribes by people who patently know nothing of their subject matter - commercial life and the power of money - but whose tones thicken with voyeuristic lust at the sight of others found to be sinful.

In this context, however, I must congratulate you on publishing Kieran Fagan's article on Michael Soden's resignation (Opinion, June 1st).

May it be the first call for some sensible analysis of what is happening in Irish banking circles. - Yours, etc.,


NATHANIEL HEALY, Newcastle, Co Wicklow.

A chara, - As scandal after scandal hits AIB, I have noticed no mention in the media of its chairman's close ties with Fine Gael. Quite rightly so, as the affair has nothing to do with the party.

It's strange, however, that any remote linkage with Fianna Fáil under similar circumstances seems to guarantee front-page headlines. - Is mise,

DAVID CARROLL, Castle Gate, Dublin 2.