Scrapping the mobility allowance

Sir, – Could it please be explained to me why this government is so determined to target citizens with disabilities, their personal…

Sir, – Could it please be explained to me why this government is so determined to target citizens with disabilities, their personal assistants, people cared for at home and their carers? Last week the Ombudsman made it publicly clear that the Department of Health was knowingly breaking the law in regard to equality legislation.

So is this latest piece of nastiness simple vindictiveness?

Or is it the repetitive behaviour of an incompetent Minister for Health who is incapable of learning from his many mistakes? The users of these services feel under constant attack and wonder where the next assault will come from. Following the most recent demonstration through the night outside the Dáil, one participant observed that he would probably be back in three months. He was nearly right. – Yours, etc,


Rathgar Avenue,

Rathgar, Dublin 6.

Sir, – I’m surprised that Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly seems surprised that her demand for “jam for everyone”, at a time when the country is broke, has resulted in “jam for no one”.


Hopefully this particular application of the Law of Unintended Consequences will be short-lived, but it should sound a warning to those who continue to make demands of the exchequer which ignore the radically changed financial situation in which we find ourselves. – Yours, etc,


Haddington Park,

Glenageary, Co Dublin.