Signature pieces in Honan Chapel

Sir, – The Irish Times recently distributed Independent Thinking – The University College Cork Magazine 2016 [the university's alumni magazine]. It contained an article "How blessed we are" on the Honan Chapel situated on the UCC campus grounds.

My attention was drawn to this article, rightly celebrating the many outstanding artworks in the Honan Chapel but including the astonishing paragraph beginning: “Little is known of the designers of the pews, the lectern, or the magnificent ceremonial chairs and kneelers . . .”

When the renowned architect, the late Richard Hurley reordered the chapel in 1986 he commissioned me and several other artists, also omitted from the UCC article.

I was privileged to design the lectern, the ceremonial chairs, the altar and the holy water font. My fellow helpers on the wooden pieces were John and Teresa Murphy, who were trained in the Dún Laoghaire School of Art. My signature is quite clearly carved on the pieces I designed and they were made in 1986, and not, as suggested between 1900 and 1925.


I hope that University College Cork will continue to appreciate the Honan Chapel and that many more will come to value and understand its wonderful works of art.

– Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.