Smartphones and ‘invisible’ cyclists

Sir, – I commute 7km to work three times a week, preferably on my bike. I do also drive, so am fully aware of the recklessness shown by both cyclists and drivers.

However, of late I have had to stop in traffic to draw drivers’ attention to the fact that they have left such little space for cyclists to get past them when there is plenty on the other side of the car. On every single occasion, the drivers have been looking down at their phones.

While these drivers may be stuck in traffic, this is an extremely dangerous and negligent practice, and I am starting to feel invisible on the road (even though I am lit up like a Christmas tree).

Please, now that the weather is becoming inclement, and the mornings and evenings darker, could I beg that drivers please look up and around them? – Yours, etc,



Churchtown, Dublin 14.