So long, Eamonn McCann – don’t forget to write

Sir, – As he says himself, Eamonn McCann's new job as an MLA is a full-time one, but I will miss his contributions to The Irish Times. His last one was typically refreshing, pointing up the need to get away from the stereotyping that defines so much of what we see ourselves as being on this island ("Neither green, nor orange, but up for the fight", Opinion & Analysis, May 12th).

I wish him well. Perhaps he will make interventions on the floor of Stormont that will provide some palliative to the loss of his column. – Yours, etc,


Windy Arbour,


Dublin 14.

Sir, – Congratulations to Eamonn McCann on winning a seat at Stormont, and thanks for the sanity and lucidity of his weekly column, which I shall miss. – Yours, etc,

