Spain's Female Bullfighter

Sir, - In the past month, I have read more than two dozen magazine and newspaper articles on Christina Sanchez, the female Spanish…

Sir, - In the past month, I have read more than two dozen magazine and newspaper articles on Christina Sanchez, the female Spanish bullfighter. Not one of these reports offered even the mildest criticism of her "career choice" and all of them lauded her achievement in becoming the first woman to enter the bull-ring.This fawning endorsement of cruelty makes me want to throw up! Bullfighting remains a bloody, inhuman spectacle whether the matador be male or female. The gender of the coward wielding a sword or waving the cape is of little consequence to the bull.Christina Sanchez is no better or worse then the heartless men who kill for sport in the bull rings. She has done nothing to advance the cause of women. According to one publication, her early ambition was to be a hairdresser. It's a pity she didn't pursue that option. - Yours, etc.,John Fitzgerald,Callan,Co Kilkenny.