Sir, - As someone who has recently experienced the iceblasts of ridicule and disdain, following some "politically incorrect" …

Sir, - As someone who has recently experienced the iceblasts of ridicule and disdain, following some "politically incorrect" statements of mine on national radio, I would wholeheartedly endorse everything Kevin Myers says in his fine "Irishman's Diary" (March 22nd).

Political correctness is merely a euphemism for obscenity; the ultimate obscenity of jingoistic bafflespeak and double think, deployed by power crazy politicians, so called princes of industry, and many powerful pressure groups, in an effort to preserve the status quo. Political correctness is the safety net of small minds and inflated egos, living in constant fear of the Armageddon that would inevitably follow the exposition of the truth, and the consequences of that in terms of loss to them; loss of power, status and money.

As Kevin Myers states, telling the truth, not pleasing the PC lobby, is the primary duty of newspapers. But is it not incumbent on each individual to blow the trumpet of warning, and sometimes defiance, against the walls of all the powers that be; espousing truth, and eschewing political correctness and the safety net, as we would the plague? Yours, etc.,



Co Dublin.