Sir, - We would like to raise a few points on the heavy fines meted out recently to speeding motorists.

Sir, - We would like to raise a few points on the heavy fines meted out recently to speeding motorists.

Our group does not condone dangerous driving in any guise but we do wonder if all the current hysteria about speeding is truly deserved. There is no real evidence available in the Republic that speeding is the cause of the number of accidents that well meaning, but misinformed people would have us believe.

Careless driving, lack of observation, bad driving habits, lack of road markings, pot holes, lack of visibility due to badly maintained hedges and verges and lack of grip due to wornout roads - these are the real problems.

Now that drinking and driving is gone by the wayside, I suppose that it is logical for the State to milk motorists in a new fashion and speeding just happens to be the fashionable scapegoat.


Yours, etc.,


Motor Insurance

Action Group,


Co Meath.