Stadium Ireland

Sir, - I am wholeheartedly behind the national stadium proposal

Sir, - I am wholeheartedly behind the national stadium proposal. The cost is minute when you realise that it represents a 16th of last year's government surplus of £4 billion.

However, in all I have read over the past few days about the proposal, I have not seen a single mention of the 50-metre pool! This astounds me as there are two prerequisites to bid for the Olympic Games (ambitious but not impossible) - a first-class stadium and a 50-metre pool complex.

The obvious location for the pool complex is back to back with the stadium at Abbotstown and, of course, the economies in overheads are obvious - a single management structure, common parking facilities, etc. - Yours, etc.,

Eamonn Ashe, Highfield, Drogheda, Co Louth.