State Of The Health Services

Sir, - Your recent Editorial on health plans (September 5th) was a sad reflection on the present crisis

Sir, - Your recent Editorial on health plans (September 5th) was a sad reflection on the present crisis. After a general review of the background inertia and poor planning, you finally looked forward to yet another report, initiated by Mr Cowen. Nowhere were concrete proposals suggested to improve the situation in the immediate and long-term future.

As usual, there was a sideswipe at consultants, some of whom, apparently, obstruct new posts. Is the Editor aware that all such posts, both new and old, have to be sanctioned by the Department of Finance?

The primary reason for the present dilemma is a leaderless Department of Health where each Minister in turn feathers his local medical nest. For example, Mr Desmond: Loughlinstown; Mr Howlin: Wexford; Mr Noonan: Limerick; Mr Cowen: Tullamore; and now Mr Martin: Blood Transfusion Board. These gentlemen, now assured of a lifelong Dail seat, quickly move on to other Departments. Has any Minister of Health run the full course of a government? What political party has come to power on the strength of its health manifesto? No government in recent times has put a comprehensive health programme at the top of the agenda. Many medical personnel, myself, included have offered concrete proposals for improving the present health service - without, sadly, any apparent response. - Yours, etc.,

Dr Niall O'Brien, FRCPI, Sandymount, Dublin 4.