Switching To The Euro

Sir, - For two years or more now we have been regularly receiving in the post glossy brochures explaining the euro

Sir, - For two years or more now we have been regularly receiving in the post glossy brochures explaining the euro. I wonder why. After all, the euro involves only a simple change from one decimal currency to another.

During the past three decades hundreds of thousands of Irish people must have gone abroad on holiday. They encountered different currencies, perhaps two, three or more, depending on the number of countries visited. With these they coped adequately and did not need spoon-feeding.

Media people may have been able to find some individuals who had not heard of the euro. So what? People learn very quickly about matters that affect their personal finances.

So why are such vast sums being spent on educating the public about the euro? Whose money is being spent? Has the PR industry a stranglehold on our Government? - Yours, etc.,


J. Hagan, Butterfield Park, Dublin 14.