Taoiseach’s priorities

Sir, – Dr Richard Scriven's observations (Letters, October 29th) on Taoiseach Enda Kenny's expressed concerns about the negative impact on children of internet porn are to be welcomed, particularly the need for a comprehensive sex education programme.

Mr Kenny’s comments that “young minds are being tainted and even corrupted by internet porn” also give rise to concerns about what seem skewed priorities, given that it is almost certain individual governments are powerless to censor the internet with any degree of success. On the other hand Mr Kenny could intervene and do something about other things that “taint and corrupt” our children. I refer to children going to school hungry, forced to live in hotels, hostels and sometimes even cars.

Strange indeed that Mr Kenny is not moved to act in those areas that are every bit as “tainting and corrupting” given he has the obvious power to do so.

– Yours, etc,



