Sir, - It strikes me as quite peculiar that our present governing politicians position themselves among the EU elite (ECU single…

Sir, - It strikes me as quite peculiar that our present governing politicians position themselves among the EU elite (ECU single currency viable), holding in their hands the necessary criteria for economic transformation, and yet disadvantage their own people with a high tax environment.

It is quite right to espouse the view that our young educated workforce will transform this high technology service economy into an era of cosseted sobriety for the next decade. But, instead of the ESRI writing in a prolific fashion and using the term "renaissance" to describe the Irish economy, why cannot our esteemed multiparty Government give us our own version of a rebirth? Yes, we can keep our wage increases in line with inflation, but why can we not have the future government reduce the tax take on the workforce feeding the Celtic Tiger?

How do you tell a tiger to run for its next feed when it is so used to gathering greedily like a squirrel fattening for the winter fasting? If the government can introduce a feel good factor among the taxpayers of the decade ahead, perhaps the Celtic Tiger will have the run of its life. If our wage packets are to remain tightly sealed cannot our government reduce in a more obvious fashion the average 50-60 per cent lopping off of gross incomes (by direct and indirect taxes)?

Simile aside the most horrific anachronism is the Government's practice of free trading in Europe and then turning around and plonking a prohibitive tax on the very, transport that keeps the Celtic Tiger moving. How can the Government preach an, open wide market when it fences in its emerald isle with an anti European free trade tax? The Government must remove every trace, of Vehicle Registration Tax, as it is blatantly breaking the spirit of the single European economy.


May I ask the next government to view their Celtic Tiger with appreciation? Do not depend on a large tax take (48 per cent income tax, VAT at 21 per cent, and VRT 30 per cent large borrowings) to feed the roar. Remember, a tiger can only be healthy if its feeling is of well being within. Yours, etc.


Co. Dublin.