Teachers' Pay Dispute

Sir, - Recent revelations at the Flood tribunal about the interesting concept of "walking around money" present a possible solution…

Sir, - Recent revelations at the Flood tribunal about the interesting concept of "walking around money" present a possible solution to the secondary teachers' pay dispute. Teachers do plenty of walking around. They walk around classrooms, corridors, exam halls. Each teacher could be fitted with a pedometer to measure productivity. Payment would be in cash in line with long-standing practice; no need to further overburden the Revenue.

As for benchmarking, problem solved. Measure them against some of the best in the land - those politicians whose glad-handing, drink-buying, funeral-going "walking around" activities form such an indispensable part of what we are. - Yours, etc.,

Helen Corcoran, Boyne Terrace, Drogheda, Co Louth.