The environmental and financial costs of data centres

Sir, – Eirgrid chief executive Mark Foley has called for a policy review on the role of data centres in Ireland (News, May 7th). Astoundingly, by 2028 it is forecast that data centres are projected to use 29 per cent of Ireland's total electricity.

The Irish Academy of Engineering (IAE) makes similar projections. Additional costs arising from such an increase in electricity demand are almost €9 billion by 2027 for associated power supply.

Significant costs also will be incurred to reinforce the network – unquantified as yet.

Furthermore, there will be an associated increase in CO2 emissions with a consequential cost. The IAE states “to date no measures have been put in place to ensure that these costs are fully borne by data centre developers”. Hopefully consumers and policymakers will take a keen interest in this totally avoidable imposition on consumers. – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.