The future of forecasting

Sir, – I read "Ireland's warm weather set to continue" (May 8th), in which a Met Éireann forecaster spoke of an "Irish heatwave", with temperatures rising to 20 to 21 degrees. I took the forecaster's word as gospel (as he is a scientist) and prepared accordingly for the sunny weather.

Alas, here I sit, indoors in a coffee shop after dodging a shower, in my shorts, flip-flops and sunglasses, clutching at hot bowl of soup and looking out at a very average Irish day.

Unfortunately I have no choice but to agree with Danny Healy-Rae – only God controls the weather. Damn it! – Yours, etc,




Co Dublin.

Sir, – A dreary morning that would not have seemed out of place in October has given way to as fine a day as you could have hoped for in May. And, yes, Met Éireann did get it right. Talk about four seasons in one day! – Yours, etc,


Dublin 8.

Sir, – The capital city is doubly flattered by John Gavin's remarks (May 10th) that the well-publicised sun of recent days has been restricted to "Dublin and its environs". Not only does it allow us to forget the storms prevalent for much of last weekend, but it allows us to include sunny Donegal, which has achieved temperatures of 23 degrees these latter days, among our "environs". – Yours, etc,




Dublin 15.