The Lord Mayor's Car

Sir, - It is not often that I rush to support my political competitors

Sir, - It is not often that I rush to support my political competitors. However Chris Gambatese, transport campaigner (January 8th), requires a departure from that norm.

His "smart alec" attack on the Lord Mayor for using the mayoral car is unworthy of a serious campaigning organisation. It is interesting to note that no such attack was hurled at a previous Lord Mayor, well known to Earthwatch, when he had the use of car number 94D 1 and even occasionally used it.

In my experience the current Lord Mayor, Cllr Senator Joe Doyle, has a record of supporting public transport initiatives and quality bus corridors, as have myself and Cllr Eoin Ryan. That we have identified a positive, environmentally friendly way of tackling port access seems to annoy some groups. Strangely many of those, including Earthwatch, remained silent on the Green Party proposals for the East/West Liffey Tunnel. - Yours, etc., CllR Dermot Lacey

Beech Hill Drive, Donnybrook, Dublin 4.