The Minister and the language

A chara, – I cannot but be astounded by the anti-Irish language letter-writers featured over the last week. It seems there is a huge focus on the cost of Irish culture and very little on the value. “Billions of educational hours wasted” on Irish language education, said John O Loughlin (July 24th).

If you think education is a waste you should try ignorance: ignorance of the 200 per cent increase in gaelscoileanna in the last 20 years; ignorance of the huge demand for total immersion as gaeilge; ignorance of the fact that an Ghaeilge inherently carries with it the richness of the social and cultural heritage of our past. The detractors seem to wish to destroy this living link to the past, who we are and where we come from and break the chain the our historical lineage. Should the Book of Kells be binned? Should Newgrange be knocked?. These “curiosities”, like an Ghaeilge, produce no immediate fiscal reward and could be seen as merely a drain on the public purse; ignorance of the the fact that citizens of other nations can easily speak their own native language as well as perfect English. In Ireland monoglots abound. However in Holland, Denmark and Sweden residents have the capacity to speak their own native language. Why can’t we? Maybe those Irish who feel a deep-rooted inferiority might learn a lesson from these proud, uncolonised, unconquered nations. Is féidir linn! – Mise le meas


Garrán Stigh Lorcáin,


Contae BAC