Thorny question of the month

Madam, - The ever delightful Frank McNally, in his Irishman's Diary of May 1st, somewhat surprisingly repeats the old error …

Madam, - The ever delightful Frank McNally, in his Irishman's Diary of May 1st, somewhat surprisingly repeats the old error of confusing may-blossom with the month of May, as in the ancient advice "Cast not a clout till may be out".

The lower-case "may" of the old admonition refers to the lovely flowering of the hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), not to the month of May. Months don't come "out"; blossoms do; and in the case of the hawthorn, its blooming signals the welcome turning of the weather to warm spring/early summer. Hence the reference to the shedding of heavy winter clothes.

But be not too hard on Mr McNally. The confusion is age-old and widespread. - Yours, etc,

DAVID GRANT, Mount Pleasant, Waterford.