Tiernan on the 'Late Late'

Madam, - That great bastion of Irish broadcasting, RTÉ, has once again shown its true colours by airing last Friday night's edition…

Madam, - That great bastion of Irish broadcasting, RTÉ, has once again shown its true colours by airing last Friday night's edition of  The Late Late Show. The programme is normally fairly entertaining and worthy of viewing. However, I feel it is only fair to say that whoever allowed so-called comedian Tommy Tiernan on the show should resign without delay.

The antics and language of Mr Tiernan were nothing short of a total disgrace. Not only was he rude and vulgar, traits which RTÉ and the tabloid press seem to deem necessary for a star, he was totally out of order in his portrayal of the clergy. Almost every other reference he made to the Scriptures was totally blasphemous. He ranted and raved like someone who was demon-possessed while show host Pat Kenny wallowed in the hilarity of the situation.

Was there not a producer or director who had the authority to pull the plug and go to a commercial break or at least call security staff and have him ejected from the set? This sort of performance should have been anticipated as Pat Kenny introduced him as having respect for neither God or man. - Yours, etc.,

JAMES YORKE, Ballyfin Road, Portlaoise.