TnaG Audience Figures

Sir, - Kevin Myers's Irishman's Diary of October 8th generated in me the emotions of sadness and anger

Sir, - Kevin Myers's Irishman's Diary of October 8th generated in me the emotions of sadness and anger. That he should be accorded so much space for his diatribe against TnaG in your otherwise excellent newspaper was, in my view, an editorial faux pas.

My sadness (admittedly of small degree) is for Mr Myers because in my opinion he is bereft, not having been born with Irish as his first language. In his ignorance he cannot know what it is like to grow up speaking my language in all its descriptive lyrical beauty. Neither can he know of the binding force it generated in thousands of Irish speakers at home and abroad when it was their only language. Growing up, Irish for me was almost a language of shame that set us apart. This negative view has happily changed now that I and the more enlightened among us recognise it for the gift that it is.

I was angry at his assertion that taxpayers' money has been squandered on TnaG. I, as a taxpayer and an Irish speaker from the cradle, have a right to an Irish language television station. My income tax and that of my 45-strong "bog" employees helps adorn the highways of the Pale with tarmacadam while the roads of Connemara wear the torn coat of tar and chips. In this era, when it is fashionable for journalists to criticise TnaG, one wonders if half the fuss would be made if it was sited in Dublin 4 and not in "a bog in Connemara". TnaG sited anywhere other than in the Gaeltacht would be an anachronism. It should be seen as a vehicle of promotion for the Irish language whose effectiveness can only be assessed with the fullness of time. Judgments based on fledgling audience figures are far too premature.

Clearly Mr Myers does not watch TnaG. I invite him to do so. His translation "Teilifis Mhic Chlaireanse" betrays a lack of knowledge of Irish. He obviously would benefit from tutelage. I offer my services. - Yours, etc., Sally O'Brien,


Claidhneach, An Cheathru Rua, Co na Gaillimhe.