Traffic wardens are not the problem

Sir, – In your article on Dún Laoghaire ("Why Dún Laoghaire retailers may have to get out of Dodge", November 8th) you have been somewhat unfair to traffic wardens. The presence of traffic wardens increases business as they improve traffic flow. They prevent a person from occupying a parking space for too long, thus giving more customers an opportunity to park. They prevent motorists from blocking pavements, thus allowing pedestrians safe passage to the shops, and they prevent obstruction of traffic, allowing free movement of traffic. The issue in Dún Laoghaire is not traffic wardens but is the high cost of parking. Dún Laoghaire should consider a trial period of reduced parking charges with continued strict enforcement by traffic wardens. I have little doubt that business would improve significantly. – Yours, etc,


Dalkey, Co Dublin.