Travelling for treatment

Madam, - RTÉ's Live Line on August 24th devoted considerable airtime to the hardships experienced by people who have to travel…

Madam, - RTÉ's Live Line on August 24th devoted considerable airtime to the hardships experienced by people who have to travel long distances for cancer treatment.

Although the bona fides of our organisation was confirmed by RTÉ it failed to inform the listeners of the existence of the Ireland Health Foundation, which was set up in 2004 specifically to assist such people.

As the national broadcaster was unable to bring this fact to the notice of the public, we would very much appreciate if your esteemed medium would help by publishing this letter. - Yours, etc,

Dr MONA McGARRY, Founder Member, The Irish Health Foundation, Anglesea Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.