Ulster Final at Croke Park

Madam, - As one who attended my first Ulster Final in 1944 and who can remember the Clones pitch being levelled with spades and…

Madam, - As one who attended my first Ulster Final in 1944 and who can remember the Clones pitch being levelled with spades and shovels previous to that under the supervision of my late father, Jack Gilsenan, I deplore the outrageous decision to transfer the Ulster Final to Croke Park.

Is nothing sacred anyone? Does tradition count for nothing? Is everything now sacrificed for filthy lucre? What would the great John Joe O'Reilly and his contemporaries think of the little men who run the GAA nowadays? Fumbling in their greasy tills and accepting sponsorship from alcohol companies and commercial - oh, so commercial - banks.

Do the "great men" of the GAA know how far it is from Malin Head to Dublin, or from Malin More or Horn Head? Of course they thought it was going to be Tyrone v Armagh. Will they ever get it right? - Yours, etc.,

PAT GILSENAN, North Road, Monaghan.