Viva Eurovision

A chara, –In suggesting that the "organisers need to get back to basics" or lose him as a viewer, Christy Galligan (Letters, May 14th) is confirming to the Eurovision organisers that he is not part of their demographic any more than I am.

Like Mr Galligan, I have no wish to watch “some of the songs, outlandish and ridiculous garish costumes and pyrotechnics” and so avoid the need for “a headache tablet” by not watching. – Is mise,




Co Clare.

Sir, – The fashion display at the Eurovision Song Contest left me gasping in amazement. It was the usual festival of boobs, bums and bare bellies, and in the words of Percy French, I didn’t know whether some of the singers “were bound for a ball or a bath”.

A notable exception was the Australian singer, who was fully dressed, but wearing a white pigeon outfit and with a wall of glass beads covering his face. He has forever unsettled my view that Australia is a sensible nation.

Is it time to remind the organisers that the contest is a song contest, not a singer contest? – Yours, etc,



Co Wexford.