Walkers beware

Sir, – What a strikingly beautiful photograph on your Front page (“Wanderer above a sea of green: Clear skies at the Sugarloaf” by Eric Luke, November 9th),

I imagine it was enough to encourage many into the great outdoors over the past weekend to enjoy the fine weather that prevailed. I sincerely hope, however, that neither your photographer nor the hillwalker pictured, suffered the same fate that befell myself and a number of other visitors to the exact same spot on the previous Sunday. When we returned to the car park we found our vehicles had been broken into, windows smashed and items of varying value had been stolen.

I understand from speaking to the gardaí who arrived soon afterwards that this is a particularly vulnerable spot for this type of theft. I would like to warn other intending visitors to this particular location of the potential risk to their vehicles and property because judging by the lack of response to my queries to Wicklow County Council to date, it is clear it has no intention of doing so. – Yours, etc,



Glencairn Dale,

Leopardstown, Dublin 18.