Wartime port defences

A chara, - I would very much like to hear from any of your readers who might have information on the defences which guarded Cork…

A chara, - I would very much like to hear from any of your readers who might have information on the defences which guarded Cork Harbour and Lough Swilly in Donegal in connection with a book I am preparing.

After the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921, British garrisons continued to man these forts until 1938; thereafter the Irish Army took over and remained until these defences were stood down circa 1956.

I am especially interested in the relations between local people and the British garrison, and subsequently with the Irish gunners. Information on activities during the "Emergency" years, including the regular practice shoots, would be valuable. I know that some of the Irish gunners of the time are still to the good.

The loan of photographs would be appreciated: these would be copied and swiftly returned. - Is mise,



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