Waste incinerator at Ringaskiddy

Sir, – I have been following the news on the huge waste incinerator to be built at Ringaskiddy. It seems that permission has been granted even though most of the people are against it, as are our Taoiseach and the leader of the Opposition. I must dig out my old dictionary and research the meaning of the word “democracy”. – Yours, etc,



Co Kildare.


Sir, – As member of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Planning, I am calling on An Bord Pleanála to explain in detail why it approved the construction of an incinerator at Ringaskiddy in Cork harbour despite its planning inspector’s report and recommendation to refuse permission.

The credibility and confidence in the planning body is eroding because of its failure to fully explain in an open and transparent way the rationale behind many of its appeal decisions, and this case is another example of the board’s decision not to accept its own planning inspector’s report.

It’s now time for a complete review of the way An Bord Pleanála functions, and its capacity and resources to communicate its decisions in a more open, transparent and timely manner.

Senior politicians are rightly vexed about Ringaskiddy; many of their constituents feel powerless and frustrated by the appeal decision and do not have the financial resources needed to mount a judicial review of the board’s decision.

The Planning & Development Bill 2016 is due to go through its final stages in Seanad Éireann.

It’s a timely opportunity for legislators to highlight their legitimate concerns about An Bord Pleanála. – Yours, etc,



Seanad Éireann,

Kildare Street,

Dublin 2.