Water quality in Dublin Bay

Madam, - We are swiftly approaching that time of year when Dublin's avid swimmers, I being one, look forward to frequenting …

Madam, - We are swiftly approaching that time of year when Dublin's avid swimmers, I being one, look forward to frequenting their favourite Dublin bay bathing places, Seapoint among them.

The question is this: in the intervening months between last year's summer season and this year's forthcoming one, has Dún Laoghaire/Rathdown County Council been diligent in modernising their grossly inadequate sewage treatment plant, which caused the appalling pollution of Seapoint and the surrounding area last year, rendering the water such that no self-respecting jellyfish would even have swam in it.

Those in charge of the heavenly sprinkling system may decide to unleash some inordinately heavy downpours again this summer. Such being the case the totally incompetent and less than state of the art sewage treatment plant, if still in situ, will undoubtedly be unable to handle the resulting effluent overflow.

We will then have a repeat of last year's disgraceful pollution of the sea in Dublin Bay, not to mention the foul odour which permeated the entire Seapoint/Blackrock area.


In view of this one cannot help but wonder if Seapoint will once again be adorned with the blue flag this year or, if there is a repeat of last year's disgusting putrefaction, then might a more appropriate colour be considered? - Yours, etc,

ALBERT REEVES,  Bulfin Road,  Inchicore,  Dublin 8.