What are bus lanes for?

Sir, – I notice that bus lanes in my area carry only the Irish “lána bus” painted on the roadway. Should not both official languages be used? If I am prosecuted for driving in one, can my lawyer get me off on a technicality? – Yours, etc,


Dún Laoghaire,

Co Dublin.


Sir, – I remain astonished by the fact that the majority of motorists I encounter seem unaware that most bus lanes operate at certain times only.

For example, on my route to work the operating hours are 7-10am, and 12-7pm.

When, quite legitimately, I use the bus lanes, I am often aware of hostile looks and gestures from other drivers not using the lanes, who seem to regard me as an outrageous lawbreaker!

On occasion, when stopped at traffic lights alongside one such driver, I have resorted to pointing to the signs displayed prominently at intervals of about 200 metres on which the hours of operation are displayed clearly. Perhaps other drivers should pay more attention to their surroundings. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 16.

Sir, – Michael Healy says that bus lanes are for BMWs (September 14th). In my experience they are for Audis, whose drivers ever more frequently seem to be "acting under delusions of intelligence". – Yours, etc,



Dublin 7.

Sir, – With respect to Eamonn O'Neill (September 14th), "lack of capacity and flow at junctions" are not the "primary sources of traffic jams", but having too many cars on the road is. If commuters chose cycling or public transport, our traffic jams would soon disappear, along with massive quantities of harmful exhaust emissions. Likewise, I suspect, would Dublin Bus's financial woes. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 9.