What can be done about housing?

Sir, – As a foreigner, I am appalled at the cost of accommodation and still bemused by Irish people complaining about it. Inevitably, when I ask if they would like to build higher buildings, I am told that it is impossible. When I ask if there should be a land tax, I am told that it is impossible. When I ask if people, such as the empty-nesters, should be encouraged to downsize, I am told it is impossible.

Really all of these things are possible, it just means confronting the vested interests, the NIMBYs, and in particular the property obsession of the Irish bourgeoisie. On a related topic, I note that a campaigner for debt relief is now campaigning for relaxation of the mortgage credit rules. Please, Ireland, do not repeat the mistakes of the past. Next time you will not have Germany to blame. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 4.