What's in the food we eat

Madam, - I write in support of Dr Joe Fitzgibbon's article in the Health Supplement of November 30th, "Tackling Food Allergies…

Madam, - I write in support of Dr Joe Fitzgibbon's article in the Health Supplement of November 30th, "Tackling Food Allergies".

As a restaurateur, and immediate past president of the Restaurants Association of Ireland, and a coeliac, I am in the unusual position of being on both sides of the divide at the same time.

I have campaigned for years to have all ingredients listed on foodstuffs sold in shops and supermarkets, and at long last, there is now some light at the end of the tunnel.

In the matter of restaurants catering for people with allergies, as Dr Fitzgibbon says, "the gentleman sitting at table 12 is not a crank".


I can assure him that restaurants are very conscious of the prevalence of dietary conditions. We realise that people with dietary conditions have families, relations and partners, etc. who eat out. Of course it's more difficult to cater for persons with dietary conditions - so what?

Finally, to end on a word of caution, the person concerned must always be vigilant and questioning, and if necessary, ask to speak to the chef who will be preparing and overseeing the preparation of the meal.

Thank you again to Dr Fitzgibbon for a most enlightened and enlightening article. Bon appétit! - Yours, etc.,

Co Dublin.