Where is the outrage against Seanad plan?

Sir, – It is to be hoped that Prof Aidan O' Sullivan's eloquent argument ("Seanad should be stopped from moving into museum", October 24th) will command widespread support, especially in decision-making quarters.

Some time in the 1980s, a similar situation arose. The Seanad chamber needed repairs and the outrageous suggestion was also made then that a temporary home be sought in the National Museum.

Eventually, such a barbarous encroachment on the museum’s limited resources never materialised.

The Seanad made do, perfectly adequately, with space within Leinster House.


What surprises me is that, so far, there has been no mobilisation of protest against the proposal among academics nationwide – and indeed among enlightened senators themselves.

– Yours, etc,


Independent member,

Seanad Éireann,

1977-1983, 1987-1992.