Williams in Croke Park

Madam, - I refer to the Robbie Williams concert in Croke Park on Friday, June 9th and Luke O'Neill's report in your edition of…

Madam, - I refer to the Robbie Williams concert in Croke Park on Friday, June 9th and Luke O'Neill's report in your edition of the following day.

I am curious to know where Mr O'Neill was seated for the concert. I, along with many others, was relegated to Section 710 of the Upper Cusack Stand. There were quite a few "sunburned" individuals in this part of the stadium, but very few of us were "satisfied".

We were unable to hear a single word the singer said. When he sang, the music seemed to overpower the words of the songs. It was difficult at times to distinguish what song he was actually singing.

The video was out of sync with the music and the equipment (the lift the singer had intended using for Let Me Entertain You) didn't work.


What had promised to be epic turned out to be a very disappointing evening.

I am concerned and upset by how my hard-earned cash counts for little in the way of service in Ireland, and particularly Dublin, in 2006.

Bad service has become little more than a policy that we accept meekly, like dumb animals on the way to the slaughter. We hand over our cash in almost an apologetic, grovelling manner and rarely utter a word when the service received in return is less than average.

The Robbie Williams concert highlights this fact in disturbing fashion.

In all respects, it was really a "Take That" to the majority of the audience in the seated areas of Croke Park. - Yours, etc,

CLARE MINIHANE, Bridge Street, Skibbereen, Co Cork.