Women On Waves Foundation

Sir, - As a member of the executive of the National Women's Council of Ireland, I wish to dissociate myself from its decision…

Sir, - As a member of the executive of the National Women's Council of Ireland, I wish to dissociate myself from its decision to refuse to meet a representative of the Women on Waves Foundation.

Women on Waves has told us that it was founded in 1999 by a Dutch medical doctor, Rebecca Gomperts, and is "registered as a charitable foundation in the Netherlands...supported by private and philanthropic funding". Its mission is to "prevent unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortions throughout the world. Every year, 20 million abortions are performed under illegal and unsafe conditions, resulting in the deaths of an estimated 70,000 women annually.

"Women on Waves has developed a reproductive health clinic on board a Dutch ship. The ship will provide contraceptives, information, training, workshops, and safe and legal abortion outside territorial waters in countries where abortion is illegal, including Ireland."

The ship will be spending two weeks in Dublin and Cork in June, and the Women on Waves Foundation sought an "opportunity of obtaining support from the NWCI". One of its members would be available to address a meeting of the NWCI to explain its activities. At an executive meeting of the NWCI, on April 30th, the invitation was declined on the grounds that the NWCI "takes no position on the abortion issue".


I cannot understand this refusal. To meet, discuss, and maybe dispute with Women on Waves can scarcely be described as adopting a position. It is the least we could do towards what seems to me a courageous and remarkable project intended to draw attention to an international medical calamity.

The NWCI is clearly afraid that if it should attempt even to debate this most important issue, such dissension will be created among its members as to frighten off potential funders. No debate means no advance in consciousness - instead, a withdrawal, narrowly insular and head-in-sand, giving lip-service and no more to women's situation in the world and their human rights.

It is ironic that Mary Robinson is to honour the NWCI by attending one of its functions in July. - Yours, etc.,

Margaretta D'arcy, Member of executive, National Women's Councilof Ireland, St Bridget's Place Lower, Galway.