Youngest President

Sir, - I refer to your series "Eye on the 20th Century" of Monday, November 1st

Sir, - I refer to your series "Eye on the 20th Century" of Monday, November 1st. Under the heading "Defining the decade 1960 to 1969", a popular myth is being aired once again: "November 9th, 1960: 43-year-old Democrat John F. Kennedy (JFK) becomes youngest US president."

Well, firstly, he didn't become President until January 20th, 1961. And secondly, he was not the youngest president of the US. That distinction must to go Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt. In 1901, at the age of 42, Vice-President Roosevelt succeeded the assassinated President McKinley. JFK was, however, the youngest man elected President. - Yours, etc.,

Michael McGuire, Speenogue, Burt, Co Donegal.